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Pool Fencing

Using a safety barrier around your pool or spa is an important and responsible step to reduce the potential of infants and toddlers from becoming drowning victims.

Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death in children under five years old; a child can drown in three seconds. And in most instances, the child has been out of sight for no more than five minutes.

Increase your children’s safety and decrease your worries with removable fencing. Using a safety barrier around your pool or spa is an important and responsible step to reduce the potential of infants and toddlers from becoming drowning victims. While safety barriers do not take the place of adult supervision, they do offer an additional safeguard.

There are a number of benefits to using removable fencing:

  • Most permanent fences can be climbed, whereas removable fencing is climb-resistant.
  • Removable fences are transparent, allowing visibility to the pool or spa.
  • The removable fence is easy to store.
  • Access is easy for adults; other barriers require more time to remove or need to be replaced after each pool use.

We are concerned first and foremost with safety. For that reason, we carry removable fences of the highest quality in a variety of styles and strengths. One of our trained professional staff members will be happy to visit your pool to discuss your specific needs.

In Florida, drowning is the leading cause of death of young children. Florida Legislature requires every swimming pool in Florida to have a barrier surrounding that is at least 48″ high. As a courtesy to our customers, B&T Fencing consults with you on your local pool fence requirements. Local and state ordinances and pool fence requirements may change, so please contact us today for a professional quote, compliant with your local pool fence requirements.

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