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Benefits of an Ornamental Steel Fence from a Premier Florida Fence Contractor

Functionality and security are not the only factors involved when choosing a fence for your residential or commercial property. Many people also want a fence that is attractive and stylish. Ornamental steel fencing combines all of these factors by providing a beautiful and durable solution to your fencing needs. As a top Florida fence contractor, B&T Fencing can walk you through the process of choosing the best ornamental steel fence for your property. 

Is Ornamental Steel Fencing the Same as Wrought Iron Fencing?

Before we review the pros and cons of ornamental steel fencing, we need to define exactly what it is. If you have been comparing Tallahassee residential fences in your search for the perfect fence, you may have noticed that there are many terms used to describe metal fences. This can be confusing when you are trying to pick the best product. So are ornamental steel, ornamental, iron, and wrought iron all the same material? 


For starters, ornamental steel is made of an alloy combining carbon with iron. The finished product is light and rust-resistant and can be produced on a large scale. In contrast, wrought iron fencing is made of pure iron. It is heavy, difficult to mass produce, and prone to rust. While wrought iron is beautiful and enduring, ornamental steel fencing is a more economical choice for Tallahassee residential fences. The low maintenance features make it a top-notch product for many property owners. 

Pros and Cons of Ornamental Steel Fencing in Tallahassee

Every fence project is unique, and yours is no different. While many Tallahassee residential fences look great with ornamental steel fencing, only you know exactly which type of fencing will work for your property. As with all types of fencing, there are pros and cons to contemplate. 

Ornamental Steel Fences are Attractive

One of the main selling points of ornamental steel fencing is that it is elegant, sleek, and attractive. Mimicking the classic look of wrought iron, ornamental steel fences add aesthetic appeal to any property. There are many styles and embellishments to choose from in order to make it a truly unique reflection of your personal style. 

Ornamental Steel Fences are Durable

Ornamental steel fences are exceptionally strong due to the way they are manufactured. They are more durable than most types of fencing, due to the powder coating that protects and enhances them. Ornamental steel fences are also able to withstand harsh weather. It can be installed in 8-foot sections, which means it needs fewer fence posts than other types of fencing. 

Maintenance-Free Ornamental Steel Fences

This type of fence is extremely low-maintenance. Check it once a year for any damage or for hardware that may need to be tightened, and you are set. There is really nothing else that needs to be done to keep your fence functional!

Security Achieved with Ornamental Steel Fences

A qualified Florida fence contractor will be able to help you choose the correct grade and size of your ornamental steel fence in order to make it as secure and safe as possible. Choosing the right picket width and fence height is also key to providing a strong property border. 

Ornamental Steel Fences Are Open

One of the only drawbacks we can see is that ornamental steel fences are not full-privacy. If you love the look of ornamental steel but need a completely enclosed space, one solution is to add plants and landscaping that provide privacy as opposed to installing a full-privacy fence. 

Ornamental Steel Fences are Not Scratch-Proof

Steel can be damaged by scratches from large branches, so pay attention to any bushes or trees that are extremely close to your fence line. If you do notice any scratches on your fence, patch them immediately in order to keep the protective coating intact and functional. 

Custom Options for Ornamental Steel from a Florida Fence Contractor

To truly make your Tallahassee residential fences unique, choose from many customizable features available for ornamental steel fencing. There are fence post toppers in several heights, lengths, shapes, and designs. There are also different styles of picket and fence top designs to choose from. While ornamental steel is manufactured with a  protective coating and black paint to look like wrought iron, there are other colors available. This type of fence can be sanded, primed, and painted to match whatever look you are trying to achieve. 


Ornamental steel is also a great option for those with uneven slopes to their property, as it can be installed to follow the grade of your land. All of these features make ornamental steel a popular choice for Florida residential and commercial property owners. 

Discover the Details of Ornamental Steel Fences for Tallahassee 

As a premier Florida fence contractor, B&T Fencing is here to help you find the best fence for your needs. Check out our photo gallery and our ornamental fencing page to see what we have to offer. 

Get Your Questions Answered by the Experts!

B&T Fencing is here for all of your questions about your Tallahassee residential fence or commercial fence projects. We are committed to offering you the best customer service and experience, and we look forward to helping you with your next project. Give us a call at (850) 942-1003 or contact us online today! Additionally, we offer our services in the Mobile, Alabama area, so if you live there, call us at (251) 322-2075. We look forward to hearing from you! 


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